======= Account ======= ---- Path ---- * /accounts/login/ * /accounts/logout/ * /accounts/register/ (Not use) ---- Code ---- .. class:: account.views .. method:: login(request) If ``GET``, it will return a page to login. If ``POST``, it need ``username`` and ``password``. If the ``username`` and ``password`` is correct, it will redirect to home, else it will return the login page with a warning. .. note:: If already login, it will return the 'has_login.html' .. method:: logout(request) It will logout the account and redirect to the login page. .. class:: account.models.Profile It add sex, birthday and image to django's default user ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` using ``OneToOneField``. -------- Template -------- `````````` login.html `````````` .. attribute:: failed If ``True``, it will add a 'wrong username or password' message in the page.